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Glaucoma Treatment Ayurveda

Sanjeevan Netralaya > Our Specialities > Glaucoma Treatment In Ayurveda

What Is Glaucoma? Symptoms, Types, Causes, Diagnosis, Risk Factors, Treatment with Ayurveda 

Glaucoma or increased intraocular pressure is a medical condition of the eye that causes damage to the optic nerves. Glaucoma is a group of eye conditions that leads to damage in the optic nerve. The damage is usually caused by high pressure in your eye called intraocular pressure. You can be affected by Glaucoma at any age but it is the most common cause of blindness for people over 60 years of age.

It is important to stay vigilant as most forms of Glaucoma do not have any warning signs and it gets worse with age. It is recommended to get regular eye exams and pressure tests to ensure the health of your eyes.

Sanjeevan Netralaya Ayurvedic treatment works on strengthening the damaged optic nerve in order to improve vision and prevent future degeneration as well as manage pain effectively and without any painful side effects.

Risk factors of Glaucoma
  • If age is over 60 years

  • If Glaucoma runs in the family

  • Presence of thin corneas

  • Eye injuries

  • High intraocular pressure

  • Particular eye surgeries

  • Ethnicities like Asian, Black, Hispanic, etc.

  • Myopia and hyperopia

  • Prolonged use of medications like corticosteroid

  • Some medical conditions like High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Sickle Cell Anemia, Cardiovascular Disease, etc.

If kept untreated for a long time, Glaucoma can lead to loss of vision or blindness. It is because of this that early diagnosis of this eye condition is absolutely vital.

Symptoms of Glaucoma Include

Symptoms vary depending on the type and stage of glaucoma.

Can have no symptoms, but people may experience:

  • Blurred Vision,

  • Distorted Vision

  • Vision Loss

Early warning symptoms:

  • Seeing Halos Around Lights

  • Vision Loss

  • Eye Redness

  • Whitening / Haziness of The Cornea

  • Eye Pain

  • Patchy Blind Spots Inside or Central Vision.

  • Tunnel Vision

  • Severe Headaches

Open-Angle Glaucoma symptoms:

  • Intense Pain

  • Nausea

  • Blurred Vision

  • Comes Suddenly and is a Medical Emergency.

Angle – Closure Glaucoma:

  • Severe Headache

  • Eye pain

  • Nausea and Vomiting

  • Blurred Vision

  • Halos Around Lights

  • Eye Redness

Causes of Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a condition where the optic nerve gets damaged due to high pressure in your eye called intraocular pressure. The Aqueous Humor (eye fluid) usually flows out of the eye. If this mesh like channel gets blocked, or if the eye is producing too much liquid, it can lead to a blockage.

Although the exact cause of the blockage isn’t known, Glaucoma is genetic and can be passed on from one generation to another. The other lesser known causes of Glaucoma include:

  • Blunt Injury to The Eye

  • Chemical Injury to The Eye

  • Blocked Blood Vessels

  • Severe Eye Infection

  • Previous Eye Surgery

Types of Glaucoma

The 2 main types of Glaucoma are Open-Angle and Angle-Closure. Apart from the two usual types, there are 8 additional types of Glaucoma, most of which are variations of Open-Angle and Angle-Closure. These variations can affect both eyes. The types of glaucoma include the following:

 1) Open-Angle Glaucoma 

This is the most common form of Glaucoma and affects the patient for life. It is caused when the eye’s drainage canal get blocked thus damaging the optic nerve. It accounts for over 90% of all Glaucoma cases.

 2) Angle-Closure Glaucoma 

Angle-Closure Glaucoma, also known as Narrow-Angle Glaucoma is the second most common type of Glaucoma. In this type, pressure in the eye is increased due to the fluid drainage because the angle in most areas between the iris and the retina are closed. Acute Angle-Closure Glaucoma is a medical emergency that requires immediate medical attention.

3) Normal Tension Glaucoma


Normal-Tension Glaucoma or Low-Tension Glaucoma happens when the optic nerve is damaged even when the pressure on the eye isn’t too high. The cause of Normal Tension Glaucoma is not fully known.


4) Secondary Glaucoma


When the increase in eye pressure leading to a damaged optic nerve has an identifiable cause like eye injury, inflammation or drugs, it is categorised as Secondary Glaucoma.


Secondary Glaucoma Includes:


Pigmentary Glaucoma: tiny pigment granules on the back of the iris break off into the eye liquid (aqueous humor) and become trapped in the eye’s drainage system leading to an increase in eye pressure damaging the optic nerve


Congenital Glaucoma: this type is found in babies. Congenital Glaucoma occurs due to incorrect or incomplete development of the eye’s drainage canals before birth leading to increased eye pressure that damages the optic nerve


Exfoliative Glaucoma: When flakes peel off the outer layer of the lens, collecting in the angle between the cornea and iris, it block the drainage system of the eye increasing eye pressure. This type of Open-Angle Glaucoma is known for causing more episodes of high pressure, fluctuations, and higher peak pressures than other types of glaucoma.


Neovascular Glaucoma: This type of Glaucoma occurs due to abnormal formation of new blood vessels on the Iris that block the eye’s drainage thus increasing pressure on the eye and affecting the Optic Nerve


Uvetic Glaucoma: This type of Glaucoma is caused due to an inflammation around the iris or a steroid used to treat the inflammation. The inflammation disrupts the fluid drainage leading to increased eye pressure.


Traumatic Glaucoma: When an injury to the eye blocks the eye’s drainage canal, it leads to increased pressure on the eye, in turn damaging the optic nerve.


It is important to stay vigilant as most forms of Glaucoma do not have any warning signs and it gets worse with age. It is recommended to get regular eye exams and pressure tests to ensure the health of your eyes.


Sanjeevan Netralaya Ayurvedic treatment works on strengthening the damaged optic nerve in order to improve vision and prevent future degeneration as well as manage pain effectively and without any painful side effects.

What is Mild Glaucoma?


Mild or early-stage glaucoma (defined as optic nerve abnormalities consistent with glaucoma but no visual field abnormalities on any white-on-white visual field test, or abnormalities present only on short-wavelength automated perimetry or frequency-doubling perimetry).


Sanjeevan Netralaya’s Ayurvedic treatments works to improve the condition of the optic nerve by strengthening it. Strengthening the Optic Nerve leads to better vision further preventing the degeneration of the Optic Nerve as a result of Glaucoma. The treatment reduces pain in the eyes, blurriness, black spots as well as halos around lights. Sanjeevan Netralaya’s treatment is extremely effective when it comes to Glaucoma and prevents vision loss and blindness.

What happens if you have undiagnosed Glaucoma?


Undiagnosed Glaucoma can ultimately lead to blindness. It is imperative that you schedule regular appointments with your doctor.

How can Glaucoma be treated?


Glaucoma is a serious medical condition that can lead to blindness. Although it is more common in age groups above 60, it can occur at any age.

It is important to stay vigilant as most forms of Glaucoma do not have any warning signs and it gets worse with age. It is recommended to get regular eye exams and pressure tests to ensure the health of your eyes.


. Sanjeevan Netralaya’s Ayurvedic treatments works to improve the condition of the optic nerve by strengthening it. Strengthening the Optic Nerve leads to better vision further preventing the degeneration of the Optic Nerve as a result of Glaucoma. The treatment reduces pain in the eyes, blurriness, black spots as well as halos around lights. Sanjeevan Netralaya’s treatment is extremely effective when it comes to Glaucoma and prevents vision loss and blindness.

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